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OPS235 Lab 1 - CentOS7 - VMware

295 bytes added, 10:06, 18 May 2016
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Make certain to record your observations of this install in the comparison chart for '''centos1''' in your '''lab2 logbook'''.
==Part 1: Using VMware Workstation 12 to Create and Install a Centos7 Linux New Virtual Machine (VM ) ==
'''<u>centos1 VM Details:</u>'''
[[Image:installation_summary.png|thumb|right|400px|The '''Installation Summary''' screen provides flexibly when configuring to install on your computer. ]]
Before you can install your Centos Full Install DVD onto your Virtual Machine, you must first create a storage container which is the virtual machine that will provide a platform for you to install the Centos operating system.
'''Perform the Following Steps:'''
# Take a few moments to review the final summary screen to make certain that you make the correct configuration selections for your new virtual machine. If you notice an configuration problem, you can click the '''Back''' button to make corrections. If all is correct, then click '''Finish''' to complete the creation of your first virtual machine.
==Part 2: Install Centos Full Install DVD on your Newly-Created VM ==

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