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Pi Day at Toronto Reference Library - May 28, 2016

1,037 bytes added, 07:23, 26 May 2016
Pi Demo Day
:* <b>3 pm</b> - Sensing and Controlling Things with the Raspberry Pi - The Raspberry Pi can be easily connected to sense and control things around us. This talk will demonstrate the many types of devices that can be controlled by a Pi and how they can be connected and programmed.
:* Additionally, interactive demonstrations will take place throughout the afternoon from 12 noon to 5 pm in the Discussion Room adjacent to the Hinton Theatre, including projects ranging from media players to radio transmitters to smart home automation.
<u>Talks</u>- should be around 40 minutes long plus 15 minutes for Q&A and 5 for next talk setup. Slides would be nice. Clear and to the point. Code snippets short and clear. Diagrams always helpful. :* <b>1 pm</b> - who?Chris Tyler:* <b>2 pm</b> - who?Brad Fortner:* <b>3 pm</b> - who?John Selmys / Greg Blair 
:* <b>John Selmys - Line Tracking Robot</b> - Two wheeled Pi Zero line tracking robot with range sensor and LEDs
:* <b>John Selmys - Brain Computer Interface</b> - Control the speed of a motor with your brain
:* <b>Brad Fortner - Jukebox Pi</b> - An Overview and Demonstration of Convergence Jukebox Pi. Open Source Python software program that emulates a retro "wallbox style" Jukebox.
:* <b>Colin McGregor - Kodi</b> - a streaming media player.
:* <b>Colin McGregor - Jasper</b> - A talking computer.
:* <b>Colin McGregor - PlotterGeneral Purpose Desktop</b> - on the Pi.:* <b>Colin McGregor - OpenCPN</b> - A a boat chart plotter.:* <b>Colin McGregor - Rachel</b> - High school library in a box.:* <b>Colin McGregor/Chris Tyler - Open Arena</b> - First Person Shooter.:* <b>Ron Grimes - Chocolate Box News Reader</b> - on a Raspberry Pi.:* <b>Greg Blair - Stepper Motor</b> - demos.:* <b>Greg Blair - Ham Radio</b> - WSPR on the Pi.:* <b>Greg Blair - Pi Camera</b> and image processing.:* <b>Dean Debono - Game Boy</b> - on the Pi.:* <b>Gi-tae - Pi at Coffee Shops</b> - displaying IP address.
<u>Other Issues</u>
:* <b>Tables</b> - table and chair requirements - how many? supplied by library:* <b>Wifi</b> - what kind?hopefully TorRefLib can provide us with wifi passwords if not open.:* <b>Projector</b> - projector available in discussion lecture room? Do .:* <b>Monitors</b> - supplied or do we need to bring our own? Chris will bring Monitors:* <b>Power Bars</b> - how many?:* <b>VGA/HDMI cables</b> - and adapters? Chris:* <b>Setup</b> - what time do we come to set up demos etc? 10am? night before?11:00am:* <b>Cleanup</b> - how long will cleanup take?4:* <b>Internet</b> - will wifi be available>30pm
:* <b>Lunch</b> - noon to five leaves no room for lunch - what about group supper afterwards?

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