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OPS335 Assignment 2 - 2016-1

2 bytes removed, 15:28, 31 March 2016
Assignment Submission
* If your professor is '''Andrew Smith''': 13th of April, 2016 (on Blackboard)
* If your professor is '''Murray Saul''': Week 13 (in class evaluation <u>and</u> submission via email)
* Set up permissions/ownership on those directories for your Linux users on the file server so that:
** '''yoursenecaid-1 ''' through '''yoursenecaid-4''' have '''read/write''' access to their own <u>private</u> directories.
** '''yoursenecaid-admin''' has '''read/write''' access to <u>every</u> directory.
** Everyone has '''read''' access to the '''readonly''' directory (but only the '''admin''' has '''write''' access too).
** Everyone can both '''read''' and '''write''' to the '''readwrite''' directory.
* Set up '''five ''' Samba users to mirror your new Linux users.* Configure 7 '''seven''' shares (one for each directory above) with permissions as close as possible to the Linux permissions.
== Windows Client ==
* Create the <u>same 5 </u> '''five''' users in your Windows virtual machineas your Samba shares.
* Test to make sure that the correct users have the correct access to the correct shares.
= Assignment Submission =
Refer to the submission requirements depending on your <u>current </u> OPS335 instructor:
:'''Andrew Smith:'''
:*Submit the following in Blackboard, Moodle, or whatever your professor specifies in class or "class announements":
::*'''Screenshots''' to demonstrate you have accomplished the required tasks for this assignment.<br>This includes: '''configuration files''', '''service statuses''', and '''basic tests of functionality'''.''' NOTE: You MUST take screenshoots of the ENTIRE screen as opposed to only the VM console'''.