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161 bytes added, 20:01, 27 March 2016
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ExclusiveArch: x86_64 aarch64
* When commenting out a existing line of code, add one more '''% ''' before any rpm macro otherwise rpmbuild will complain. For instance:
<source lang=bash>
# Before commenting out
* Add '''.leap''' after the release version, add '''.leap.1''', '''.leap.2''' ... and so on for further modifications
* Make sure to specify all the changes under the <tt>%changelog</tt> section:
==== Particular branded packages ====
; libreport/abrt
: '''Libreport''' and '''abrt''' are the library and application for automatic bug detection and reporting to RHEL bug tracker servers. Since CentOS added several significant patches to both packages for supporting their own bug tracker, removing those patches can be very complicated process. The best way to solve this problem is retrieving the original RHEL versions from, add our own de-branding patches, and bump the version-release number + ''.leap'' to match the requirements of dependency.
; ntp/chrony/PackagekitPackageKit /system-config-date: These packages contain network time protocol configurations pointing to the NTP pool address: '' '' . By default, they are pointing to ''''. Since ntp pool for LEAP hasn't been set up, it is necessary to remove any ''.VENDERZONE '' (system-config-date one has a different name) in the spec files in stead instead of just replacing the brand.
; grub2/shim/shim-signed/system-config-kdump: There is a important variable <tt>efidir</tt> in the patches and specs in these packages. It represents the name of the EFI directory containing all the EFI boot files. Make sure the value of <tt>efidir</tt> changed to '''leap'''.
; oscap-anaconda-addon/oscap-security-guide
== Build order ==
It is safer and more time-efficient to build certain essential packages before any other packages are built, because other packages are very likely to depend on them:
* '''leap-release ''' - the base of the whole entire distribution* '''gcc''', '''glibc''', '''make ''', '''binutils''' - basic compilertoolchain* '''coreutils ''' - basic system tools* '''xorg-x11-server ''' - xorg-x11-drv* always require the specific version of xorg-x11-server they are built with
== Duplicated source file names filename ==It is possible that a few packages contain patches or sources having identical names. When installing source rpms to rpmbuild tree (<tt>$HOME/rpmbuild/*</tt>), try to avoid installing too many of them at a time (50+). Wipe the rpmbuild tree after finish modifying finishing modification and building build of those packages on Koji. There are a few problematic packages were have been discovered:* Openjdk OpenJDK 6,/ 7,/ 8 packages
* xorg-x11-drv-dummy and xorg-x11-drv-fbdev

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