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OPS335: File Servers

142 bytes added, 13:28, 6 March 2016
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# Close Windows Explorer application window.
# Switch to your VM2 machine.
# Tweak config Add the following parameter at the bottom of the [home] section of the /etc/samba/smb.conf file : browsable = yes# <ol><li value="10">Return to your Windows VM and open another Windows explorer application window.</li><li># Again, at the top of the application, enter the following:<br>'''\\IPADDR_OF_VM2_MACHINE\home'''</li><li># What happens this time?</li><<li># Switch back to your VM2 machine and install the netstat command on your VM2 machine by issuing the following command:<br>'''yum install net-tools'''</li><li># Issue the '''netstat -natp''' command to determine the port number of the Samba connection.# In your '''<u>Windows</u>''' machine, modify the firewall setting to make appropriate exception for connecting to Samba from your VM2 machine.</li></ol> 
'''Record steps, commands, and your observations in INVESTIGATION 2 in your OPS335 lab log-book'''

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