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#To make the header information easier to read, highlite the text, copy and paste into a text editor (like '''gedit''').<br><br>
#Below is an example of header information that was sent by user msaul within their domain name msaul.org:<br><br>
<presource lang="bash">
Received: from SN1PR07MB2288.namprd07.prod.outlook.com ( by
DM3PR07MB2284.namprd07.prod.outlook.com ( with Microsoft SMTP
From: Murray Saul <msaul@msaul.org>
Return-Path: msaul@msaul.org
#Locate the section for the MTA that was used to transfer the message from your VM2 machine. What program does that MTA use? What is the IPADDR? Record your observations in your lab logbook.<br><br>
#Locate the section for the MTA that was used to receive the e-mail message for your Seneca College e-mail. What program does that MTA use? What is the IPADDR? Are those two MTAs the same? Record your observations in your lab logbook.<br><br>