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OPS435 Lecture 3 - Bash

605 bytes added, 14:45, 29 January 2016
Created page with 'Linux processes * ps * kill * top Using BASH History * history command * ! command Shell Expansions * Pathname expansion examples ** ls abc* ** echo abc? ** LANG=C;echo [A-Z]*…'
Linux processes
* ps
* kill
* top

Using BASH History
* history command
* ! command

Shell Expansions

* Pathname expansion examples
** ls abc*
** echo abc?
** LANG=C;echo [A-Z]*
* brace expansion examples
** seq command
** echo {1..5}
** echo {a..m}
** touch file{1,2,3,4}
** touch file{1..4}
** touch file{2,4,6,8}
** mkdir ops435/{labs,notes}
* Tilde expansion examples
** echo ~

* Command substitution examples
** echo $(date)
** echo `date`

* Arithmetic expansion examples
** echo $((2 + 2))
** x=$((5/2))

* Parameter expansion examples
** echo $1
** echo ${11}

Input from the user
* read command

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