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OPS335 DNS Lab

282 bytes added, 10:36, 29 January 2016
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[[Category:OPS335]][[Category:OPS335 Labs]]
==Domain Name System(DNS)=====ObjectivesPurpose=== 
In this lab you will configure a Linux machine to be a DNS server for the rest of the machines in your intranet. You'll use your learn ID as your domain with IP addresses in the range 192.168.X.1 - 192.168.X.254. The server will handle all queries for names in the <learnid>.org domain and all reverse lookups for addresses in the given range of local IP numbers. The server will pass DNS queries for other names and addresses out to the Internet (i.e. to Seneca's DNS server).
===DNS Resources===
Some articles that you can use as a reference if you are still experiencing problems with iptables:
* [ Test Network Connectivity] (From Lab1)
Prior to beginning this lab ensure that the firewall rules you created for your machines in lab 2 are loading when they boot. If they are not, repair them now. You will be building on those rules for the rest of the course.

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