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OPS335 Lab 1 draft

825 bytes added, 14:12, 10 January 2016
Network connection troubleshooting
If everything works - great. If not, move on to the next section.
== Network Linux network connection configuration troubleshooting ==
If the network works in your host but not in the VM, the following are the usual steps you go through to troubleshoot the problem, starting with the first two rules of troubleshooting:
# '''Is it plugged in?''' On a physical network you would check whether the cable is plugged in and the link light is on on your network card. In a virtual network environment you don't have that - you'll need to check the NIC settings in the virtual machine details. In there it will tell you which virtual network your virtual network card is connected to.
# '''Is it turned on?''' This is a problem more common with virtual networks than physical networks. Check in your VirtManager->ConnectionDetails->VirtualNetworks that your network is active.
# '''Do you have an IP address?''' Run '''ip address''' to check, .
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