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OPS235 Wish-List

1 byte removed, 11:16, 28 December 2015
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== Current OPS235 Wish List Items ==
:# Create scripts that students can download and run to check if they made mistakes while completing their labs. These scripts should be run by students after each Investigation to see if they are:<ul><li>On Track - You may proceed</li><li>Slight Problems - Suggestions on how to correct them</li><li>Serious Concerns - Call over a lab assistant / Instructor<br><br></li></ul>
:::*Here are scripts that are currently used in OPS335 course:<ul><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li><li><br><br></li></ul>
:::* Murray Saul will request for creating those OPS235 shell scripts for OPS235 during his non-contact teaching session Spring 2016.<br><br>

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