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DPS915 C U D A B O Y S

1 byte added, 22:46, 14 October 2015
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== Assignment 1 ==
=== <span style="color: red">&#x2717;Profile 1: PI Approximation</span> ===== '''compiled by Johnathan =='''
* Sample run:
=== <span style="color: green">&#x2713; Profile 2: Wave Form Generator</span> ===
== '''compiled by Manjot =='''
'''This is the program we selected to optimize. It's a great candidate because it has 2 primary functions that have a few for loops in them. One of the functions reads an Mp3 file and writes wave data to a file -- this function takes quite a bit of time to execute. The other function actually takes this data and converts it to a view-able sound wave image. Both functions would benefit greatly from the extra processing power that a GPU provides: mp3 read/decode time would be greatly reduced.'''
=== <span style="color: red">&#x2717;Profile 3: String Processor</span> ===
== '''compiled by Oleg =='''
* Sample run:

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