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GPU610/DPS915 Student Resources

749 bytes added, 15:57, 6 October 2015
Visual Studio Common Problems & Solutions
==Visual Studio Common Problems & Solutions==
=== Cannot Open cublas.lib ==
"lnk1104 cannot open cublas.lib"
# Try to build now
(Boris Bershadsky + Yehoshua Ghitis)
=== Cuda Win32/x64 Library ===
After following the instructions,,provided in today's lecture, to setting up the library and include files in the project properties to run Cuda on VS 2012 Express at home, I still encounter
the linker error; "unable to find cuda_runtime.h". Googling around, there are two ways around this. By default, VS Studio uses the 32bit debugger, which you can change in project properties. You will have to
use the Win32 version of the library directives (ie in my case "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NvToolsExt\lib\Win32") with the default debugger. If use the x64 library files, change the debugger to 64bit (which I neglected and lost a good portion of time). Cheers.
-- Peter Huang
=Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and CUDA 5 Toolkit Installation Guide=

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