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This course is open to both '''CTY''' (system and network administration) and '''CPA''' (software development) students. Each group brings unique but overlapping skills: CTY students have a strong understanding of operating systems and administrative procedures, and CPA students have a strong understanding of programming. This course provides a range of project opportunities requiring different combinations of skills from each program of study.
== What are the course prerequisites, and why? == IPC144 (Introduction to Programming in C) is a prerequisite for this course - you need to have a solid, basic understanding of C to participate effectively. You can select a project that fits your particular combination of other system administration and/or software development skills (system installation, Bash or Python scripting, programming in various languages, software packaging, network testing, and so forth). In addition, you'll need skills in scripting (for task automation) or in object oriented programming (for program analysis and optimization).
== Why take this course? ==