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MAP524/DPS924 Lab 2

786 bytes added, 07:39, 6 July 2015
Lab2: First App with Android Studio
When satisfied with using Android Studio to build a default app, please move on to PART B of this lab.
== Part B: Gradle == Gradle is a build tool. It replaced Ant and Make for Android projects when the move from Eclipse to Android Studio happened. It's very complex but we'll need to know some basics at least. If you switch your project view to "Project" from "Android" you'll find there are two build.gradle files. We'll mostly be working with the one in the "app" subdirectory. === SDK Versions === There's compileSdkVersion, minSdkVersion, and targetSdkVersion. Set them all to different versions and try to run your app on emulators with different versions. Record what you've found in your labbook. '''Be careful not to run out of space''' on your USB stick, the SDKs take up quite a bit of room. == Part C: Move your app to GitHub ==
* If you do not have a github account please make one now.
* Once your project is correctly placed onto github, please move onto part C.
== Part CD: Answer the following questions in your labbook ==
*What's the purpose of the three SDK Version paramaters in build.gradle files?
* What is the URL of your github account?
* Explain each GIT term in your own words using one or two short sentences (on Linux use the command "man git" for help, but better yet find a simple Git tutorial online):

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