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Your essay must be at 1500-2500 words. You must support your argument by citing several passages from the assigned readings. These are the readings listed on the web site, not the shorter stories I pass out in class. Papers must be word-processed, appropriately formatted using MLA standards (double-spaced, pages numbered, etc) and contain appropriate citations and a bibliography (list of works cited). Please follow the guidelines posted here. There are also some great tips on writing essays on fiction posted in other sections of this website.
You must also cite '''at least one ''' critical source (not another story) from a scholarly journal (see the "Text and Materials" section of this website for a list of scholarly journals).
You may also cite factual information from Wikipedia (though not someone's opinion stuck in Wikipedia!). I'm also happy to talk to you about your sources, or anything else, if you want to see if you're on the right track....