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OPS235 Assignment 2 OLD

1,068 bytes added, 13:02, 27 November 2019
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{{Admon/caution|THIS IS AN OLD VERSION OF THE ASSIGNMENT|'''This is an archived version. Do not use this in your OPS235 course.'''}}
= OPS235 Assignment 2 =
'''Weight: ''' 5% of the overall grade
'''Due Date: ''' Week 13 <br />Refer to your instructor for submission instructions  {{Admon/important|It is YOUR responsibility to Backup your centos3 VM for this Assignment!|You are required to frequently backup your VM prior to exiting a work session during this assignment. Your instructor will NOT accept the fact that your hard disk crashed and lost all of your work. If you properly backed up your VM images and xml configuration files to a USB, then you can purchase a new hard-disk or wipe and recreate your hard disk and restore your VMs.}}<br>
== Introduction and Purpose ==
'''NOTE: Do this assignment inside the centos3 virtual machine. '''
== Installing Packages using Yum ==
<u>Install these packages using ''yum'':</u>
* '''httpd''' - this is the Apache web server software.
* '''php''' - this is the PHP server software, which allows Apache to run more complex websites.
* '''mysql-server''' - this is the MySQL database server.
* '''php-mysql''' - this is a PHP extension that allows PHP to use a MySQL server.
<u>Install the '''mysql-server''' (MySQL database server) package</u>
'''NOTE:''' This package may not be in the main repository. There a couple of options:
:*'''Preferred method:''' Use an alternative package (for example: '''mariadb''' and '''mariadb-server''')
:*Download a "zipped tar-ball" from a website (google-search), decompress, and compile
== Configuring Apache ==
# Start the httpd service using the '''servicesystemctl''' command.
# Ensure that the httpd service starts automatically during boot.
# Confirm that you can connect to your web server using a web browser -- both from centos3 (you can test using '''links''') as well as from the host. You should see the Apache Test Page.
== Configuring MySQL ==
# Start the MySQL service (mysqldor mariadb) using the '''servicesystemctl''' command.# Do not ignore Ensure that the mysqld/mariadb service starts automatically during boot.# You may get messages that are printed after starting the MySQL service for the first time you start the service. Do not ignore these messages, it will print a message telling tell you how to set a password and take other basic steps to secure the the MySQL server. Follow those instructions to set a password, recording the detail of what you do for later use.# Ensure that * If you do not see any messages, research how you can secure the MySQL installation and set the mysqld service starts automatically during bootMySQL-root password.
#* Read those messages carefully, you are setting up a production MySQL server and there shouldn't be any "test" databases or anonymous users or users without a password.
# Set your MySQL root password to your learn ID (without the part).
=== Ready to show ===
Open one or more terminals in f19hostc7host, SSH to fedora3 centos3 from those terminals, and have the following ready:
* The correct RPMs are installed
* Output showing firewall has been properly set up
* Output of chkconfig --list mysqld
* Output of chkconfig --list httpd
* Output of head -30 /var/www/html/wodpress/wp-config.php
* Open a firefox with http://centos3/wordpress/
=== Rubric ===
| Correct packages installed || 1 ||
| Firewall setup properly || 2 ||
| Apache set up and running || 2 ||
| Wordpress showing in Firefox || 1 ||
| Single HTML page emailed correctly || 2 ||
| Everything ready to show || 2 ||

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