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OPS235 Lab 4 - CentOS7

80 bytes added, 19:44, 10 April 2015
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::  case $name in
::  :  i) inputFile=$OPTARG ;;::  :  o) outputFile=$OPTARG::  :  outputFlag="y" ;;::  :  :) echo "Error: You need text after options requiring text"::  :  :  :  exit 1 ;;::  :  \?) echo "Error: Incorrect option"::  :  exit 1 ;;:::  esac
<ol><li value="6">Save your editing session, but remain in the text editor.</li><li>The code displayed below uses a trick called the "Here Document" to redirect stdin from within the command (a quick way to display output on the screen). The read command will store the different information report items as words (separated by a space). The sed command used to convert the spaces to pipes (|) and stored into another variable. This allows the sed command to use extended regular expressions to print rpm elements that match those various patterns to be added to the report. Add the following code</li></ol>

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