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OPS235 Lab 4 - CentOS7

153 bytes added, 18:27, 10 April 2015
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# <ol><li value="3">Open a Bash shell terminal and login as root.# </li><li>Use a text editor (such as <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">vi</span></code></b> or <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">nano</span></code></b>) to create a Bash Shell script called: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">backupVMcreateUsers.bash</span></code></b> in /root's home directory.# </li><li>Enter the following text content into your text-editing session:</li></ol>
<code style="color:#3366CC;font-family:courier;font-size:.9em;margin-left:20px;">
::&#35; packageInfocreateUsers.bash::&#35; Purpose: Generates a report to displaying specified information batch of installed softwareuser accounts (user data stored in a text file)::&#35;<br>&#35; USAGE: ./packageInforoot/createUsers.bash[-i {input file pathname}] [-n {full name}] [-a {account aging}] [-g {add to group}] [-o {results report pathname}]
::&#35; Author: *** INSERT YOUR NAME ***
<ol><li value="45">Save your editing session, but remain in the text editor.</li><li>The code displayed below will require the user to include only one argument after the command (script) which will be the application name. The following code will also generate the report title and current date. Add the following code</li></ol>
<code style="color:#3366CC;font-family:courier;font-size:.9em;">

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