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OPS235 Lab 3 - CentOS7

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There are a few "classic problems" that students can encounter with their virtual machines and their host machine after performing lab2. Although all OPS235 students may not encounter these problems, it is good to be aware of them and know how to troubleshoot a problem in order to solve the problem.
'''A few common problems are:'''
*I Can't start my host machine
===Process of Elimination: Find What It Is by Knowing What It Isn't===
'''Troubleshooting consists of 3 basic elements:'''
If you cannot log graphically into your machine (first 3 common problems), there is a trick to boot your system into "single-user" mode. This mode does not provide networking, graphics, or logging in as other regular users, but can connect to a text-based interface as root. This method will only work if a GRUB (<u>'''Gr'''</u>and '''<u>U</u>'''nified <u>'''B'''</u>oot-loader) password has not been set, or that you haven't forgotten the GRUB password.
'''Steps to Boot into "Single-User Mode":'''