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OPS235 Concerns

204 bytes added, 22:06, 20 March 2015
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::#'''New Machine Issues (UEFI)'''. The new machines in T3074, T4044, and T4048 among others are causing issues with certain hard drives where the system wants an EFI boot partition. I have already contacted ITS about having this disabled but if this issue is not finalized soon (who knows how fast ITS will work on this) we should ensure that by the start of next semester UEFI is disabled in the machines to make sure students can get their OS installed without any problems. As a side note, I have found that booting from a Live CD and wiping the hard drive and placing an ext4 FS on it has worked in some scenarios, but not all.<br><br>
::#'''virsh define issues for Practical Test #1'''. The pathname for binary file '''qemu-kvm''' is now at a different path-name than '''/usr/bin/qemu-kvm'''. The new pathame is: '''/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm''' <br><br>The problem is that the '''practical1.xml''' file for previous Practical Tests use the old pathname. Must replace (don't simply copy and comment out!) correct pathname for qemu-kvm, then '''virsh define practical1.xml''' command will work.<br><br'''>Also, machine type should not be "pc" if an older version (like centos6.5)'''. You can use the command in root: '''/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -M ?''' (to determine supported machine types). For example, if the downloaded image is centos6.5, but you are using centos6.6, then machine type should be: '''rhel6.5.0''' and should be edited in '''practical1.xml''' file, the machine will launch correctly (this has been tested on a centos6.6 machine)...<br><br>
::#'''Student disconnect with their e-mail address'''. Students when prompted in shell script for their e-mail addresses (approx half of students) are stumped, and connect complete during test.<br><br>::#'''Links to Online Man Page Resources Broken'''. Need to fix broken links, and check to see if there is a way to run command or program to check links of WIKI pages prior to Start of semester.
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