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SPO600 - Createrepo Optimization

1,170 bytes added, 13:49, 6 March 2015
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{{Chris Tyler Draft}}[[Category: Winter 2015 SPO600]] <code>createrepo</code> is a tool which accepts as its input a set of RPM software packages. It reads the metadata from these packages to produce a set of files/databases which contain information about the RPMs and the relationships between them, such as dependencies and precedence, producing a ''repository''. This information can then be used by the <code>yum</code> or <code>dnf</code> commands to install packages from that repository, correctly resolving dependencies without opening and reading each of the RPMs individually. == Opportunity == <code>createrepo</code> and the related program <code>mergerepo</code> are heavily used by the [[:fedora:Koji|Koji]] build system and other RPM build processes. However, it appears to be much slower than it could be, and speeding it up would be a huge boon to many RPM build systems. == Source == <code>createrepo</code> is hosted at == How to Proceed == If you are interested in working on this project, please note your name and contact information here. There should be a maximum of 2 people working on this project. * '''Your name here...'''

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