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Winter 2015 SPO600 Weekly Schedule

569 bytes added, 00:58, 16 February 2015
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* Be ready to [[Winter 2015 SPO600 Platform Specific Code Presentation|present]].
== Week 6 ==
=== Tuesday (Feb 17) ===
* Introduction to the [ HiKey] board and the [ 96Boards] project.
* Introduction to the SBR600 Course Project.
* [[Winter 2015 SPO600 Platform Specific Code Presentation|Presentations on platform-specific code]]
=== Thursday (Feb 19) ===
* SBR600 Course Project Selection
* [[Winter 2015 SPO600 Platform Specific Code Presentation|Presentations on platform-specific code]]
=== Week 6 Deliverables ===
* Blog about your presentation.
* Select your course project.

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