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Programming Stream

38 bytes removed, 13:56, 5 January 2015
Curriculum Meeting December 17 2014
* [MLM] I’d like to see a recommendation for a mid-semester promo meeting for all first semester courses. This is over-and-above what this report represents but it also flags students struggling across all first semester subjects and may warrant a different kind of intervention than an individual subject intervention.
* Chris' Further Suggestions:
# Increase the weight of the workshops in BTP100 to 20%
# Normalize the weight of the workshops in IPC144 at 20%
# Develop baskets of workshops for the courses to increase variety
And,the following set of questions have come to mind since* Chris' further suggestions:
# Learning Outcomes - Should the criteria for passing IPC144/BTP100 be defined primarily in terms of what is necessary to commence studying OOP244/BTP200 and those for passing OOP244/BTP200 be defined in terms of what is necessary to commence studying OOP345/BTP305?

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