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Distcc With MSVC

514 bytes added, 18:08, 27 February 2007
Project News
= Project News =
See what's up with this project! Older news can be found [[Distcc With MSVC:Older News|here]]
==Feb 27, 2007==
We are able to do distributed builds of Mozilla but it dies when trying to link stuff together (issues surrounding ATL?). So in order to take advantage of Ben Smedberg's wonderful [ Mozilla Build] and be able to get help figuring out weird linkage bugs and dependancies without having to deal with cygwin issues (which are galore), we've started a branch with a mingw port: svn://
==Jan 4, 2007==
The post made to the build newgroup seems to have gathered dust. If mozilla is limited to only 4 jobs, than distcc is somewhat limited. But that's not our problem.

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