Some clarifications
Your hard drive should have Centos 6.5, 64 bit already installed.<br />
You have Fedora 20, 64bit version on VM01, VM02, and VM03.<br />
Both your host and all VMs should have SELinux enabled.<br />
Both host and all VMs should have all software updated.<br />
Ensure the clocks on both machines are set to the correct date and time.}}
===Testing your network===
*Start Firefox on your host and authenticate yourself on Sene2net with your LEARN accountSenenet.
*Ensure you can access the web on your host machine and all your VMs.
**Once you have this working, save your iptables.
*You should also be able to open the webpage using the hostname of vm01.
*Now create your <b>own</b> test page named index.html and put it into in the directory /var/www/html/. This does not have to anything fancy, just a [http://validator.w3.org/docs/help.html#validation_basics valid] html page with enough content for you to recognize it as your own. Reload the web page on the host - you should see your own test page nowinstead of the default page from apache.
*Repeat the above steps for vm03. Remember that it is using a different firewall.
*Now, as root on the gateway/host, try to forward incoming http connections to your host to the web server on vm01. Use an iptables command something like this
***vm03 - alias www2
**Add text records that identify the roles on each of these machines and a text record for the domain "This is < your full name here>'s OPS335 Domain".
**Once these records have been added, be sure to increment your Serial number for the zone file. While not crucial for the lab as we do not yet have a slave DNS server, getting into the habit ensures when needed slaves will be informed of the changes.
**Use the tools you have learned in earlier labs (e.g. ping, host, lynx, etc.) to make sure these records work.
*test your connection to SquirrelMail by opening a browser and navigating to vm02/mail. You should see a log in page. Sign in using your login credentials on vm02.
**You may receive an error stating: 'Error connecting to IMAP server: localhost. 13 : Permission denied'. If you do, run the command 'setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1'. This will set an SELinux boolean to allow httpd connections across the network.
*You will need to open ports on your firewall to allow connections to the webserver, and port forwarding on the hostso that any web traffic sent to it will be redirected to your VM2.
==Completing the Lab==