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!style="background: #cccccc"| Quick Links
|<div style="background:#ffff00">[[Winter Fall 2014 SPO600 Weekly Schedule|Weekly Schedule]]</div>[[Winter Fall 2014 SPO600 Participants|Participants and Project Table]]<br />[ Course Outline]<br />[[SPO600 Course Policies|Course Policies]]<br />[ Linaro]<br />[ Planet CDOT]<br />
SPO600 is a professional option in the [ Seneca School of Information and Communication Technology] [ CTY] and [ CPA] programs. First offered: Winter 2014.
== SPO600 in Winter Fall 2014 ==
In SPO600, you'll be working directly with open source communities to port software. This semester, we'll be collaborating with a project set up by Jon "Maddog" Hall and [ Linaro] to port and optimize software which doesn't currently run on 64-bit ARM (aarch64) computers. This project has identified around 1400 software packages that need work. (As a bonus, completed projects may be eligible for recognition and possibly prizes from Linaro).
== Weekly Outline ==
See the [[Winter Fall 2014 SPO600 Weekly Schedule]] for specific dates and topics.
== Course Outline ==
See the online [ course outline] for course details.

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