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Project A3 20141 - OOP344

148 bytes added, 08:17, 3 April 2014
Public Functions: Added destructor. Moved constructor up.
==== Public Functions ====
; Constructor: Does not accept parameters. Initializes list to safe empty state.
; size: Size getter. Const function. Does not receive parameters. Should return number of nodes in list.
; head: Head getter. Const function. Returns pointer to head node in list.
; clear: Removes all nodes in the list. Has no effect if the list is empty. Does not accept parameters. Does not return anything.
; Destructor: Should ensure that all memory allocated by the list has been deallocated. You are encouraged to use the functions available to you.
; Constructor: Does not accept parameters. Initializes list to safe empty state.
; Standard Assignment Operator: Clears this list of all nodes. Then, refills list with the same number of nodes as in the source list. Value of each new node should equal the value of corresponding node in source list. Should not alter object in the case of self-assignment. Should return a reference to the current object.
; Copy Constructor: Initializes object to safe state then copies source list into current list. Similar to assignment operator.

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