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333 bytes added, 22:24, 1 April 2014
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|<div style="background:#ffff00">[[Fall 2013 SBR600 Weekly Schedule|Weekly Schedule]]</div>[[Fall 2013 SBR600 Participants|Participants and Project Table]]<br />[[SBR600 Potential Projects|Potential Project List]]<br />[[Fall 2013 SBR600 Presentation Schedule|Release Presentation Schedule]]<br />[ Course Outline]<br />[[Fedora ARM Secondary Architecture]]<br />[ Pidora]<br />[ Fedora Project]<br />[ Fedora documentation]<br />[ Planet CDOT]<br />[ Fedora Koji]<br />[ Pidora Koji]
{{Admon/important|Course Availability|For 2014, this course has been temporarily replaced by [[SPO600|SPO600 Software Portability and Optimization]] to take advantage of the unique learning opportunity presented by the emergence of a new architecture: 64-bit ARM. The SBR600 course will be offered again starting in January 2015.}}
= Software Build and Release - SBR600 =

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