,removed #build from list of channels to ask for help in
#: Visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_IRC_clients for a list of IRC clients on various platforms. Two popular choices are [http://www.hacksrus.com/~ginda/chatzilla/ Chatzilla] and [http://www.irssi.org/ irssi].
# '''Where can I ask for help on IRC?'''
#: Use the '''#seneca''', '''#firefox''', '''#build''' or '''#developers''' channels on irc://irc.mozilla.org(in that order).
# '''What is the best way to share long error messages or other text that is too big to copy/paste into IRC?'''
#: Use a pastebin at http://pastebin.ca/ or http://pastebin.mozilla.org/ to copy/paste your output. Then paste the resulting URL into IRC.