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GPU621/DPS921 Student Resources

833 bytes added, 07:36, 13 September 2017
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{{GPU621/DPS921 Index | 2014120177}}
The purpose of this page is to share useful information that can help groups with their projects.
* long hand
** gc++ -I /usr/local/gcc/tbb41_20130613oss/include/ -o xxx -L/usr/local/gcc/tbb41_20130613oss/lib/ia32/gcc4.1/ -ltbb xxx.cpp
* poor error messages on lambda expressions
== OpenCL ==
** Fermi cards - nvcc -code=sm_20 _arch=compute_20
** nvcc opencl.cpp -lOpenCL
==OpenMP=====Visual Studio===Compiling OpenMP programs in visual studio 2012====enabling openmp====# Right-click on "Project Solution" under "Solution Explorer" and select "Properties"# On the properties pane, select "Configuration Properties" -> "C/C++" -> "Language"# On the details page, make sure "Open MP Support" is set to "Yes (/openmp)"====setting environemnt variables====# Right-click on "Project Solution" under "Solution Explorer" and select "Properties"# On the properties pane, select "Configuration Properties" -> "Debugging"# On the details page, make sure "Environment" has "OMP_NUM_THREADS=4;" in it
= Workshop Notes =
* executing an alias when creating a typescript** add . ~/.bash_profile inside the script before invoking the alias** [ using alias in a shell script] 
= Assignment Notes =
==Shared Memory==
==Message Passing==

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