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GPU621/DPS921 Student Resources

3,237 bytes added, 07:36, 13 September 2017
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{{GPU621/DPS921 Index | 2014120177}}
The purpose of this page is to share useful information that can help groups with their projects.
== Cilk Plus ==
* [ MIT Installation Guide]
* [ Cilk Plus Installation Guide]
* Cilk Plus is installed on server and on the matrix partition of the workstations in T2108
** /usr/local/gcc/gcc-cilk/bin/g++
====Tips for building from source (tested on Fedora 19)====
Works but gets a "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" when testing out w1.cilk.cpp when cilk_for loops > 3 times.
* download snapshot gcc-2427776 (2013-05-20) (current version on matrix as of 2014-01-17)
* configure using:
** /path/to/configure --prefix=/path/to/installation --enable-languages="c,c++" --disable-multilib
=== Configuration ===
==== Linux ====
* add to .bash_profile
** alias gc++="/usr/local/gcc/gcc-cilk/bin/g++ -fcilkplus -ldl -lcilkrts"
** export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/cilkplus-installation/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
** source /path/to/ ia32 -ltbb
== TBB ==
* [ TBB Download Page]
* [ Intel's tutorial]
=== Configuration ===
==== Linux ====
* copy source script to your home directory
** cp /usr/local/gcc/tbb/bin/
** change permissions chmod u+x
* long hand notes
** add to LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/gcc/tbb41_20130613oss/lib/ia32/gcc4.1
** needed for dynamic loaded libraries
** use ldd <binary> to check
** -v option sends intermediate commands to cerr
== OpenMP ==
* [ OpenMP Home Page]
*[ Tim Mattson's Tutorial]=== Configuration ======= Linux ====* add to gcc compile command -fopenmp 
== OpenCL ==
* [ Khronos Group Home Page]
* [ Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate] | Select Software Downloads | Go To Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate 1.49GB | Download iso | Burn, if error burn again | Finally, install
* [ CUDA Downloads]
* Installation add the following environment variables
** CUDA_PATH - points to the default version
* Visual Studio IDE Settings for .cu files
** Project -> Build Customizations -> Select CUDA 5.5
** Source file -> Properites -> Item Type -> CUDA C/C++
** Project -> Properties -> Configuration -> VC++ Directories -> $(CUDA_PATH_INC); $(CUDA_PATH_LIB);
** Project -> Properties -> Configuration -> Linker -> Input -> cudart.lib
== MPI ==
= Compilation Notes =
== Cilk Plus ==
=== Linux ===
* gc++ -o xxx xxx.cpp
== TBB ==
=== Linux ===
* source ia32
* gc++ -o xxx xxx.cpp -ltbb
* long hand
** gc++ -I /usr/local/gcc/tbb41_20130613oss/include/ -o xxx -L/usr/local/gcc/tbb41_20130613oss/lib/ia32/gcc4.1/ -ltbb xxx.cpp
* poor error messages on lambda expressions
== OpenCL ==
** cl opencl.cpp "%AMDAPPSDKROOT%"lib/x86/OpenCL.lib
** Environmental Variables
*** INCLUDE add "C:\Program Files\AMD_APP_SDK\2.9\include";
*** LIB add "C:\Program Files\AMD APP SDK\2.9\lib\x86";
== CUDA ==
* compiling with nvcc
** Fermi cards - nvcc -code=sm_20 _arch=compute_20
** nvcc opencl.cpp -lOpenCL
===Visual Studio===
Compiling OpenMP programs in visual studio 2012
====enabling openmp====
# Right-click on "Project Solution" under "Solution Explorer" and select "Properties"
# On the properties pane, select "Configuration Properties" -> "C/C++" -> "Language"
# On the details page, make sure "Open MP Support" is set to "Yes (/openmp)"
====setting environemnt variables====
# Right-click on "Project Solution" under "Solution Explorer" and select "Properties"
# On the properties pane, select "Configuration Properties" -> "Debugging"
# On the details page, make sure "Environment" has "OMP_NUM_THREADS=4;" in it
= Workshop Notes =
==BLAS DocumentationPlatforms==* executing an alias when creating a typescript** add . ~/.bash_profile inside the script before invoking the alias** [ GPU61015968053/DPS915_BLAS Documentation Pageusing-alias-in-shell-script using alias in a shell script]
= Assignment Notes ===Shared MemoryOpenMP====Message Passing==*

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