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OPS235 Lab 8 - CentOS6

118 bytes removed, 20:15, 12 January 2014
Investigation 1: How do you install the DHCP Server?
=== Investigation 1: How do you install the DHCP Server? ===
{{Admon/note | Use your fedora3 centos3 VM | Complete the following steps on your fedora3 centos3 VM.}}
# To check that you have <code>dhclient</code> installed, enter the command:
:: <code>rpm -q dhclient</code>
<ol><li value="2"> If the package is not installed, you will get the message "package dhclient is not installed", otherwise, you will get the version information of the rpm package. Install the <code>dhclient</code> package if it was not installed.</li>
<li>Check to see if the <code>dhcp</code> server package is installed.</li><li>Follow the normal procedure to If not - install the DHCP server rpm package called <code>dhcp</code> using <code>yum</code>it.</li>
<li>Enter the command to list all the files installed from the DHCP server package.</li>
<li>What file appears to be a sample configuration file?</li>
'''Answer the Investigation 1 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
=== Investigation 2: What configuration options and directives need to be set in dhcpd.conf?===

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