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OPS335 Lab 1

935 bytes added, 10:58, 3 January 2014
Bringing some systemd content from lab 0
=== Minimizing your VM's footprint === *Since all VMs used in this course are intended to be servers, the presence of a GUI in not recommended - servers are typically managed from the command line.Conduct relevant research to complete the following for your Fedora VM: 
* Make it boot by default to the command line only
**Fedora 17 and onward do not use '/etc/inittab' to set the default run level but rather use targets as a more flexible replacement. Note the output of the following command: ll /etc/systemd/system/*.target lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 36 Dec 3 09:35 /etc/systemd/system/ -> /lib/systemd/system/runlevel5.targetand ll /lib/systemd/system/*.targetSystemd uses symbolic links to point to the default runlevel in use. To change the default runlevel you must first remove the existing symlink. rm /etc/systemd/system/default.targetTo change your system to boot in multi-user mode by default: ln -s /lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/default.targetMake note of the command that would be needed to change the default 'runlevel' (or 'target' as it is now referred to when using systemd) to graphical or runlevel 5.
Test your VM to make sure that it boots correctly before moving on to the next step.
=== Creating additional Clone VM's Managing a Service=== To quickly create additional VM's shutdown 'f17-vm01'*Before you start, if you are more familiar with the chkconfig or service commands, right click and select 'Cloneyou may wish to review the [ SysVinit to Systemd Cheatsheet].*You will want to be able to communicate with your machines using ssh.'. Use the following options:*Name: f17-vm02*Check the ip address of the virtual machine*Storage: ip address show**Click Start the drop down menu below 'f17-vm01ssh service on the virtual machine.img', choose details and rename Also set the image service to start automatically when the f17-vm02machine boots.img Once successfully created boot the new VM and correct **Use ssh to connect from your host to the host namevirtual machine. This can ***You will be done using prompted to store the GUI or command linevirtual machine's identification. *Record Choose yes (we will cover this in your notes how each is donemore detail later).*After creating f17-vm02 repeat *Reboot the above steps to create f17-vm03 virtual machine and correct check the host name. *Check for connectivity. host cbcstatus of your ssh
== Testing Connectivity ==

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