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OPS235 Lab 1 - CentOS6

92 bytes added, 08:21, 3 January 2014
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<li>If you get a warning with something like "This device may contain data" - it's probably your new hard drive and you can safely use it.</li>
<li>Select '''Create Custom Layout''', we don't want to use the default setup now. If you are using a hard drive that contains partitions from a previous course (previous version of Linux), delete all partitions prior to proceeding.</li>
<li>On your drive you will need the following partitions. These may be primary partitions or logical drives. Remember that the sizes are recorded in MB (eg. 20 GB = 20000 MB). If you have more space than 250GB available - you can add the extra space in equal parts to /home and /var/lib/libvirt/images<br /li> <br /ul><li>Primary Partitions (ext4):</li> <ul> <li>'''20GB''' for '''/''' (i.e. "root")</li>
<li>'''30GB''' for /home</li>
<li>'''100GB''' for '''/var/lib/libvirt/images'''<br /><br />Swap Partition:<br /><br />Swap Partition:<br /><br />'''8GB''' (Note: "swap" must be selected from the drop down menu)</li>
</ul> </li> <li>Swap Partitions: <ul> <li>'''20GB'''</li> </ul> </li>
<li>Record briefly in your lab logbook what partitions you created of what size and what device names were assigned to them (/dev/sda1, etc.).</li>

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