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OPS335 NFS Lab

170 bytes added, 15:34, 31 December 2013
Updated for Winter 2014. Moved NFS service to VM 2. Removed some things that are no longer valid.
[[Category:OPS335]][[Category:OPS335 Labs]]
==NFS and Automount==
In this lab you'll set up a Fedora 17 20 host as an NFS (Network File System) server. Then you'll set up a Fedora 17 20 guest VM (Virtual Machine) that will import its /home directory from this host.{{Admon/important|Prerequisites|Before you begin make sure your Fedora 17 host and 20 virtual machines are up to date (yum update).<br />Ensure all machines are using the firewalls you created in previous labs.<br />
Ensure both host and VM's have firewalls set up according to prior labs. And ensure you are using your learnid account (the first user created - this will be
<b>critical</b> for success) }}
===Part A: Setting up the NFS Server on the Host===On your Fedora host VM 2 machine perform the following tasks:*Install You do not need to install nfs, as it is present by default on the full installation of Fedora 20. If it is not there use the following command:
yum install nfs-utils
*edit /etc/exports so that it contains ONLY the following line (where 192.168.x.4 is the IP address of your guest VM):
/home 192.168.x.4(rw,root_squash,insecure)
 *Edit Build the file /etc/idmapd.conf and uncomment and change the following lines: Verbosity = 3server's list of exports Domain = <learn exportfs -id>.org*Restart the nfs-idmap daemon. systemctl restart nfs-idmap.servicer*Start your nfs server with the command: systemctl start and enable your nfs-serverservice.service
*Run and record the output of the following commands:
showmount -e
NOTE: You'll have to adjust your firewall on the host to get NFS to work. Run netstat to determine the ports needed.
===Part B: Setting up the Guest VMNFS Client=======Configuring the NFS client====
*Ensure the VM guest network is functioning properly. You can use the "host" command to see if DNS queries are being answered.
*Ensure you have full connectivity to the internet.
*Be sure Again, you should not have to set the firewall on both your VM and host according to prior labs. Use the command iptables-save to verify.*Install the install any NFS software on both vm03 and your host using the command yum install nfs-utils.
*Add the following line to the bottom of the /etc/fstab file on vm03
192.168.x.13:/home /home nfs4 defaults 0 0
{{Admon/important|Warning:|Do not change any other lines in this file. Do not change any lines in /etc/fstab on your host machine. Doing so can make your machine fail to boot.}}
*Logout of vm03 and shut it down.
====Testing NFS mounts on your VMclient====
*Restart vm03 and login using your learnid.
*Check that the home directory is mounted
mount | grep /home
**If it is not, try running 'mount /home' as rootand observe any errors.
*On vm03, create an empty file using the touch command.
touch empty_file_created_on_vm03
*Now shutdown vm03.
*Now on your host PCthe NFS server, run the following command: us ls -l*You should see in your learnid's home directory to check for the file you just created on vm03.
===Part C: Setting up Automount on the VM===
On vm03 as root perform the following tasks:
*Comment or remove the line from /etc/fstab that you entered earlier.
*Install automountWith a full installation of Fedora 20, you will not need to install autofs, but on other installations you might need:
yum install autofs
*Move the existing file /etc/auto.master:
/home /etc/auto.home --timeout=60
*Create the file /etc/auto.home and add ONLY the following line:
* -fstype=nfs4,rw,nosuid,soft 192.168.x.13:/home/&
*Start autofs with the command
systemctl start autofs.service
*And ensure the service will start at boot:
systemctl enable autofs.service
*Log out of vm03.*Restart the nfs server on your host.*Log into vm03 and log bak in using your learn account.
*Open a terminal and enter the command:
mount | grep home
*Run and record the output of the command
df -hT
*Back on the host nfs server run and record the output of: ls -lin your home directory.
*You should see the files you created on vm03.
*You may encounter errors with SELinux during the lab(though it has not been a problem recently). It is required that you leave it running. Use the following commands to determine what booleans need to be flipped.
audit2allow < /var/log/audit/audit.log
audit2why < /var/log/audit/audit.log
==Completing the Lab==
During this lab you have gained experience getting multiple services to cooperate with each other, and have used your first client-side service.
Answer the following questions in your log book:
#What does the no_root_squash option for an NFS mount mean?
#What is the role of the /etc/mtab file on the host?
#What port did you have to open?
#What does the idmapd daemon provide?

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