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Download and Burn at Home - Fedora17

1,832 bytes added, 22:55, 29 December 2013
Created page with 'Category:OPS235 Quick links: <ul> <li>Fecora 17 Live CD/DVD:…'

Quick links:

<li>Fecora 17 Live CD/DVD:</li>
<li>Fedora 17 Full Install DVD:</li>

{| cellpadding="8"

<b>If you wish to download a burn the CD LIVE and DVD install images at home, please note:</b>

:* A '''repository''' refers to a "storage area" that contains images and applications for various Operating Systems (including Fedora).

:* Seneca College has a Fedora 17 repository server called '''Belmont''', but you <u>cannot</u> this repository if you are outside of Seneca College (eg. at home).

'''If you are outside of Seneca College, you <u>can</u> download the required images from the Main Fedora17 Repository:'''

:*'''Main Fedora Repository:'''
::<br />(Accessible from any Internet connection.)<br /><br />

:* '''This repository contains all Fedora software (OS and applications). You need to look for two different images:'''

::* Fedora 17 (64-bit) '''DVD image'''
::* Fedora 17 (64-bit) '''LIVE CD image'''

:* '''Image files have the extension: <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold">.iso</span>'''

|valign="top"|[[Image:repository.png|thumb|right|300px|The Fedora Repository. '''Make certain to select the link for Fedora 19 and for 64-bit architecture'''.]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:ico.png|thumb|right|250px|Search for '''Releases''' (subdirectory: '''17'''), then '''Images''' for x86_64. '''Make certain to verify images for CD LIVE and for DVD'''. ]]

{{Admon/important|Take time to verify that you have downloaded a DVD image as opposed to a CD LIVE image by mistake...|}}

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