===Code Example===
public abstract class CPU {
} //class CPU
The concrete widget classes are simply classes that implement the widget interfaces:
class EmberCPU extends CPU {
} // class EmberCPU
Below is code for a concrete factory class that creates instances of classes to test ember architecture computers:
class EmberToolkit extends ArchitectureToolkit {
public CPU createCPU() {
return new EmberCPU();
} // createCPU()
public MMU createMMU() {
return new EmberMMU();
} // createMMU()
} // class EmberFactory
Below is the code for the abstract factory class:
public abstract class ArchitectureToolkit {
private static final EmberToolkit emberToolkit = new
private static final EnginolaToolkit
= new EnginolaToolkit();
* Returns a concrete factory object that is an
instance of the
* concrete factory class appropriate for the given
static final ArchitectureToolkit getFactory(int
architecture) {
switch (architecture) {
p; return enginolaToolkit;
case EMBER:
p; return emberToolkit;
} // switch
String errMsg =
throw new
} // getFactory()
public abstract CPU createCPU() ;
public abstract MMU createMMU() ;
} // AbstractFactory
Client classes typically create concrete widget objects using code that looks something like this:
public class Client {
public void doIt () {
AbstractFactory af;
af =
CPU cpu = af.createCPU();
} // doIt
} // class Client