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Canvas 3D - Circle Tag

1,362 bytes added, 16:13, 10 February 2007
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= Cube Tag Reference =
[[XML_3D_-_BTS530/630 Project|Back To XML 3D Main Page]]
== Introduction ==
The Circle is one of the basic 2D primitives that can be created within canvas. The Circle Tag encompasses the various attributes that are associated with an Arc, such as position, size, height, as well as drawing styles.
== Tag Attributes ==
* position
** '''Usage:''' <circle position="35, 53" />.
** The ''position'' attribute is optional. If omited, the position defaults to the Origin location at {0, 0}.
** The position attribute holds a set of two numbers separated by commas that are associated with the distance away from the Origin Point of (0, 0).
* size
** '''Usage:''' <circle size="40" />.
** The ''size'' attribute defines the diameter size of the circle.
** ''This attribute cannot be omitted.''
* fillcolor
** '''Usage:''' <circle fillcolor="#00FF00" />.
** The ''fillcolor'' attribute sets a specific color that will be painted inside the circle.
** This value, if omitted, will default to black (#000000).
* bordercolor
** '''Usage:''' <circle bordercolor="#FF00FF" />.
** The ''bordercolor'' attribute sets a specific color of the border.
** If omitted, the arc will be drawn borderless.
== Syntax ==
<circle position="40, 40" size="30" fillcolor="#09a" bordercolor="#000" />
== References ==
* None.

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