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EAC234 Assignment 1

18 bytes added, 15:16, 4 February 2007
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#Why did the author choose the narrator he did in “Helen O'Loy” and “Flowers for Algernon”?(Luis Silva)
#Ideas often take precedence over characterization in SF stories. Illustrate this using two of the assigned readings.
#SF stories often turn things around so that we see them in a new way. Describe how this technique is used in two of the assigned readings.(Christopher James, William McCullough)
#Since SF stories can be set in any place or time, most begin by establishing the setting. Illustrate how this is done in four of the assigned readings. (Dmitri Edelchteine, Michael Phrakaysone, Vasilios Billy Halis)
#By setting stories on other planets or using other races, the author is often holding a mirror up to our society or to human psychology. What is Asimov saying about us in “Nightfall”? (Stefan D'Aversa, Alex Rodrigues)

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