OPS535 A1 201603
[hide]Assignment 1
Due Date:July 5, 2018
Required VMs
- Source Virtual Disk image: Download the virtual disk image here (c7min-ops535.qcow2.gz). md5 sum for the virtual disk image - please make sure the md5 sum of the virtual disk image matches the file given.
1. Create 3 new VMs for this assignment and name the VMs as pri-dns, co-nfs, and rns-nis. After downloaded the file, compare the md5sum with this file to make sure that your downloaded file has not been corrupted. gunzip the downloaded file and make three identical copies (c7min-pri.qcow2, c7min-co.qcow2, and c7min-rns.qcow2) and attach each to the three new VMs.
2. Make sure that you have the client and server components for NFS, NIS, and DNS on the three new VMs. Install any missing software if they are not already installed as specified in the following paragraphs. The three VMs must provide support for local and network (using NIS) user accounts. After a successful login, a network user should get the same execution environment all the time and be able to access all the files he/she had previously created on your network.
VM network configuration, server requirements
DNS Servers
- You need three DNS servers for this assignment: Primary, Caching-only, and Root Name server:
- The Primary DNS (running on VM pri-dns, IP:192.168.x.53) is authoritative for your domain.
- The Caching-only name server (running on co-nfs, IP: 192.168.x.153) which allows DNS queries only from hosts in your network. The firewall on your host should allow only this caching name server to send DNS queries to root name servers in the lab.
- The Root Name server (running on VM rns-nis, IP: 192.168.x.253), which is authoritative for the root zone. You should create the root zone file from the information here. You could download the shell script here and run it on your system to generate the necessary resource records for the root zone. You need to add additional appropriate resource records to complete it. You will get 10% bonus mark if you run a root name server on a Raspberry Pi.
NFS Server - on VM co-nfs, (IP: 192.168.x.153)
- Create a directory called "/nethome" and use it for centrally hosting all network user's home directory.
- Use the appropriate export option(s) (especially root_squash and no_root_squash) when exporting network users' home directory
- Superuser on the other VMs should not have root privillage on the exported directory unless the remote machine is running the NIS server.
- Network users should not have read or write access to other network users' home directory.
NIS Server - on VM rns-nis, (IP: 192.168.x.253)
- NIS Domain Name - [learn-id].nis, where [learn-id] is your matrix login account name.
- Minimum user and group IDs - 5000
- Please use NFS version 3 when mounting the nfs share folders
Network, firewall, and SELinux
- Your host and all your VMs must be accessible from other machines (hosts and VMs) in the lab.
- Please test your network connectivity with at least one of your classmates to make sure you can connect your VMs to their VMs.
- Do not allow DNS queries from any machines in your network to any root name servers in the lab except your caching-only DNS server.
- SELinux must be turned on and run in enforcing mode on all of your VMs. You need to configure the runtime SELinux boolean accordingly.
- These machines will use firewalld as their firewall. Their interfaces should be placed in the 'work' zone, which should allow ssh traffic. Other than that it should only allow the traffic necessary to fulfil the roles described above.
Test and evaluation
Once all your three VMs for this assignment described above are up and running, you will be asked to perform any of the following activities:
- Add a new host entry to your DNS server, to provide both forward and reverse lookup queries.
- Add a new user to your NIS Domain
- Remove a user from your NIS Domain
- Login to any one of the three VMs using the newly created network user account.
- Login to any one of your three VMs from any machines in the lab using the newly created network user account.
- Troubleshoot NFS, NIS, DNS, RPC, and portmapper problems. For examples: server service not running, configuration file not setup properly or being corrupted, broken network connection, etc.
- You may be asked to perform a reboot test
System configuration settings 40% of the assignment
On the due date, you will be given a set of scripts, which should be run on each VM to collect server configuration information. The scripts will produce an evaluation report for you to upload to blackboard. The following information may be collected:
- Network Settings
- Services configuration
- Firewall settings
- Local user accounts
- RPC Client services
- Portmapper registry
- etc...
Demonstration 60% of the assignment
On the due date, your will be given 30 minutes to get your VMs up system to perform the activities mentioned in "Test and Evluation" section and perform a reboot test.
If you have any questions about this assignment, please talk to your professor before the due date.