OPS235 Assignment 1-centos7

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OPS235 Assignment 1

Weight: 5% of the overall grade

Due Date: In class week 6, 7, or 8 (ask your professor for exact date)

Create a new virtual machine

  1. It doesn't matter whether you use a CentOS Live CD image file or Full Installation DVD for this.
  2. The virtual machine name and the hostname for the machine must be your learn user ID.
  3. The regular user you create during installation must also be your learn user ID.

The rest of this assignment should be done after the installation is completed successfully.

Package Management

Research the rpm and yum commands to:

  1. Verify the integrity of a package using rpm to see if any of its files have been altered since installation. (you will be asked to demonstrate this when your assignment is marked, it doesn't matter which package you choose)
  2. Add the rpmfusion.org repository to the yum configuration. (you will be asked to demonstrate installing a package from the rpmfusion repository when your assignment is marked)
  3. Add the EPEL repository to the yum configuration. (this one has XFCE for CentOS 7)

Alternate Software Installation

Review the yum group* commands and use them to:

  1. Find and install the XFCE dektop environment discussed in the following article: XFCE Review
  2. Do the rest of the assignment (including the assignment submission) while running XFCE.

Lab 5 contains practice in compiling source code. It is recommended to study these procedures for compiling and installing software from source code and use them to:

  1. Download and extract the source code for ISO Master.
  2. Compile and install it (you will need gtk2-devel installed).
  3. Now run it and have a look at the Help/About dialog box. You will have to change the contents of that box.
  4. Edit the file about.c in the source you use earlier, and change "An application for editing ISO9660 images based on the bkisofs access library and the GTK2 GUI toolkit." to "An application used by YOURNAME for OPS235 Assignment 1".
  5. Compile and install the application again, exactly the same way you did the first time. Your change should be simple enough that complicated bugs are unlikely.

Install a Second Linux Distribution as a Virtual Machine

  • Create another virtual machine (Your Choice).
  • The virtual machine name and the hostname for the machine must be your learn user ID followed by -mint. For example asmith15-mint
  • Install Linux Mint in the new virtual machine.


Due date: When you are ready for your assignment #1 to be marked, call over your instructor. Students that do not have ALL required information for instructor to mark their assignment #1 will automatically lose 20% of their assignment mark (deducted from total assignment mark calculation). In that case you may show me your submission in the second lab that week instead. Assignments submitted after that will receive a grade of 0, but must still be completed satisfactorily in order to pass the course.

Ready to show: open terminal windows having run the commands necessary to show all the required items in the rubric below. It is ok to switch windows and virtual machines while submitting your assignment, but you should not need to run any commands.

If you have questions about the assignment - please wait until everyone's assignment is submitted and ask your question after that.


Task Maximum mark Actual mark
New CentOS VM installed 1
Correct VM name / hostname / username 2
RPM integrity verification command 2
Installing package from rpmfusion.org 2
Using XFCE 2
Modified ISO Master about dialog box 2
Other linux installed and running, one terminal window open 2
Everything ready to show when professor comes by to look 2
Total 15