OOo Mac Build
[hide] Mac Build
OOo Fedora Build - OOo Windows Build
- Resources
Student Name | CDOT Computer Name | Operation | Status |
Daeseon Moon (irc:Daeseon) | Russia | Build Success | |
Jerry Pau (irc: jPau) | Canada | m40 Done; m41 Done | Build Success |
Fred Wang (irc:WFred) | Russia/Spain | Build Succeeded - Spain. From Feb 11, 10AM to Feb 11, 1:30PM (ish) | |
Ryan Wang (irc:rmwang) | Russia/EasterIsland/Local | Build Success: on EasterIsland | |
Bartosz Barcicki (irc:BartB) | Easter Island | ||
Ladan Zahiroleslam (irc:l_zahir) | Canada | Aqua Build(OOo M41) | Build Success: Started on Feb. 9, 08:57 pm --Finished Feb. 9 23:55 pm-Insulation Completed -Feb 12,09 |
Frankie Law (irc:Mini_Cheong) | Spain(Local Account) | Building: 2:57am - 6:56am Finish | |
Aaron Chan (irc::achan66) | Russia | Building m40 | Building |
Andrew Braini (irrc::aBraini) | EasterIsland | Building m40 | Build Started 2:17pm Fri 13 Feb. |
Getting the Source
OpenOffice Max OS X AquaBuild instructions
Connect to the target system and run the following command on the terminal to download the source code from the OpenOffice SVN.
svn checkout
Setting C and C++ compilers
- Bash shell
- Without ccache
- export CC=gcc
- export CXX=g++
- With ccache
- export CC="ccache gcc"
- export CXX="ccache g++"
- Without ccache
Configuring The Source
- Apply the following patch to your tree patch for moz2seamonkey zipped archives
cp moz2seamonkey_connectivity.diff DEV300_m40 cd DEV300_m40 Fake the patch application : patch --dry-run -p0 < moz2seamonkey_connectivity.diff And if nothing wrong occurs, apply it for true : patch -p0 < moz2seamonkey_connectivity.diff
- Put mozilla prebuilt archives to src_root/moz/zipped/
- type "./configure -options..." or create
export BASE=`pwd`
export OOVERSION=`echo $BASE|sed 's/^\/.*\///'`
echo Building from : $BASE
echo OpenOffice Version: $OOVERSION
./configure \
--with-lang="en-US" \
--disable-odk \
--disable-pasf \
--disable-gtk \
--disable-headless \
--disable-build-mozilla \
--with-build-version=$OOVERSION-`date +%d-%m-%y` \
--disable-fontconfig \
--without-nas \
--with-use-shell=bash \
--with-jdk-home=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home \
--with-stlport=no \
--disable-mediawiki \
--enable-werror \
- If you create, then put this file ~/bin and give proper permission
mv ~/bin chmod ug+x ~/bin/ ln -s ~/bin/ your src_root(DEV300_m41)/
- execute
Setting Environment Variables
./bootstrap source cd instsetoo_native export TMP=/tmp export SYSTEM_OPENSSL=YES
build --all -P4