OOP344 - Team Nothing Project Development Page - 20102
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Basic I/O Function Set v1.0 - Task Distribution for Complex Functions
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- No missing task so far
A- [iof_displayflag()], [iof_flag()] [iof_edit(): Leftkey] [Test BCC platform] B- [iof_displayMenuItem()], [iof_menuItem()] [iof_edit(): RightKey] [Test VCC platfrom] C- [iof_edit(): Corrections before editing] [iof_edit(): BackspaceKey] [iof_edit(): Enter and All function keys] [Test Linux platform] D- [iof_edit(): Escape key, including Undo (memory allocation and release)] [iof_edit(): DeleteKey] [iof_edit(): data entry, insert mode] [Test Mac platform] E- [iof_edit(): Home and End Key] [InsertKey] [TabKey] [data entry, overstrike mode] [Overall review before final release]