Jan 14 to Jan 16
BRIAN:Hey look! I'm on a Wiki!!! Get to work everyone!!!!
Murray: Glad you got in Brian. I'm trying to keep the momentum going on this WIKI. The first thing is to add any of YOUR "TO-DOs" if had any from our meeting yesterday. In this way, we can all view and monitor the progress in possibly on a daily basis. If you notice, I have already completed 3 out of the 5 tasks as they were completed. Therefore, you know where the situation stands immediately or "as is happens". While in edit mode you can simply copy and paste the code to make a "green check-mark" to provide a visual indication of task completion...
Murray: Hi guys, how are you?
Murray: Thanks Earl for proof-reading my WIKI. In the future, you can simply edit the WIKI to make those changes. This concept of editing on-line is something that everyone will have to "wrap their head around". This is the issue of consistent and frequent follow-up at the church regarding technical issues. Think about it for a second in terms of proof-reading. I am going to print out the wiki, circle changes, wait a week to hand it to the person to correct - or simply go to WIKI. edit the changes - done in 1 minute! This addresses the issue of giving people freedom to act without the fear of being "beaten down". In fact, there is also the benefit of many people creating/participating, monitoring and editing lessens the burden and helps build a huge on-line resource for the church. If there is fear of deleted content due sabotage, all editing is recorded by the user in the "history" section - this "levels" the playing field. But it requires participants check WIKI once a day (for a couple of minutes (same time to brush and floss teeth) - or it will not be effective... I am hoping course empowers students to get into that habit...
Murray: Earl, if you could e-mail me the diagram of AVIT (that we saw today in meeting). then I will post up to this WIKI. Great meeting today...
Murray: Here is a trailer for splatalot. Megan is the one saying "You're SOOOO mean". A friend of Megan texted her earlier this week to inform her that she was on T.V. Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtV5EtPqk5M
Murray: This time Brian gets first prize for contributing first (I'm not including myself in the count)...
Sandra: Hi I am one...bought a laptop today will contact the potential participants
Sandra: Is my bolding work ?
Murray: Yes!
Murray: By the way, I am very happy to see people responding and contributing 24 hours after this WIKI was created. Success comes from frequently contributing to help inform and also to help solve problems...