Distcc With MSVC:Older News
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Dec 17, 2006
Tom has made a post to the build newsgroup. The bug (Dec 6) still hasn't been fixed.
Also, I (Cesar) needs to do trial of building mozilla using the original distcc (gcc only). We need to present an exact log of where the problem lies. IIRC, it has something to do with gtk. But that isn't usefull enough. This information is on a ubuntu machine in the linux club at seneca college, but I think it's down because I cannot connect to it. I am not going to school on my break to turn on a friggin machine.
Dec 6, 2006
The major bug right now is that compiled object files don't come back :(. This will be fixed soon. Really. We promise.
Nov 29, 2006
We have finally finished a big part of our project - the functionality! Now we are in the process of testing. Inital tests were somewhat positive. We still need to debug certain problems in the patch. It will probably be finished after the semester is over. If anyone is still interested in the project and wants to help out, we still are interested in getting the results reproduced by average users.
Nov 22. 2006
We are down to our last 3 functions. We hope to have test cases done so we can really start testing out the whole application and try it with the two machines we do have.
Nov 6. 2006
There is a scheduled 'hack day' being set up. Were putting it at every tuesday at around 5:20 in the TEL open lab.
Nov 2. 2006
After a haitus from touching distcc, we battled the serpent of the C (haha) once again and retreated with our lives, barely, but lost our ego and motivation (at least Cesar did). We cleared up a path setting bug that caused CL to die and return a bad return value. Then we (eventually) passed ParseHost case, which parses an environment variable for ip addresses and domain names. A inproperly done svn merge wasted a good few hours on that.
We also created safeguards, so that any unimplemented vtable function that is called will throw an error message instead of having a segmentation fault.
Oct 20. 2006
We have a usable windows box for doing our msvc testing (finally!). Thanks to User:Bhearsum for the boxes.
Oct 12. 2006
Argh. I have been trying to build firefox using distcc for about 2 weeks, with many small details getting in the way. At one point things were working, but than it stopped and I don't know why. I finally, at one point, got things to build on andrew's machine. But the build failed complaining about (this is one of the many, many things) undefined reference operator delete(void*). I think it might be because distcc is calling gcc rather than c++. I changed the MOZCONFIG to use CC='distcc gcc' and CXX='distcc g++'. This threw me this ugliness :
make[1]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1. Add `+' to parent make rule.
Which I told reed about, but has never came across this problem. One nasty solution is to use -j without specifing a number to allow unlimited jobs. At least it's working.
In other news, Tom sent a patch.
Oct. 2 2006
A preliminary test of running distcc in cygwin revealed we were failing 4 tests; one or two more than our first patch. We tried to fix it, but never had success and didn't issue a commit. A while later we try running distcc again on another machine. This time we were only failing one test, which is less than our first patch. Here is the known tests to fail
- EmptySource_Case --- This is expected to fail since this is a bug in the earlier gcc compiler.
The explination for the extra three preliminary tests failing is because we interupted one of the tests, which we believed caused the daemon to be orphaned and exacting it's revenge on the murder's of it's parent processes.
Sept. 26 2006
Tried to do parallel builds with mozilla in linux (maybe we should have done this first). Here is something usefull to know : To parallel build in mozilla, you cannot pass the -jN option to make and expect it to work. It didn't for me, and make was killing itself without an explination. I later learned that you have to add the following line to mozconfig
mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS=-j8
Sept. 24 2006
We think we've got the architecture right now. Ofcourse the only way to know is to start porting cl :). We're now going to try to port the tests to work with cl.exe.