DPS909 & OSD600 Winter 2017 - Lab 8
Open Source Tooling and Automation Part 2: Unit Testing
In this lab you will extend your previous lab's tooling to include automated unit tests. Most large software projects include tests, and it's a good idea to know how to create, run, and debug them.
Please following the instructions in the README-part2.md doc at https://github.com/humphd/Seneca2017LearningLab.
When you are done, write a blog post about the experience, including:
- what you did
- what you learned
- things you found interesting or difficult.
- Was unit testing new to you? If so, what did you think? If not, how was it different with Jest/JS?
Make sure you include links to things you discuss in your blog.
After you've written your unit tests and got them passing on Travis, add your name, your blog post, and a link to a passing build on TravisCI running your tests: