Canvas 3D - Sphere Tag
[hide]Sphere Tag Reference
The Sphere is one of the basic primitives that can be created on the fly. The Sphere Tag encompasses the various attributes that are associated with a Sphere, such as position, size and orientation. In addition, the Sphere can be textured with a predefined image from a specific location.
Tag Attributes
- name
- Usage: <sphere name="mysphere" />.
- The name attribute is optional. If omited, the name is not used and thus cannot be retrieved within JavaScript.
- The Sphere is given an Identifier so that It can be retrieved and modified within JavaScript.
- The name is a only accepts a string of Alpha-numeric characters.
- position
- Usage: <sphere position="0.3, 5.5, 3.8" />.
- The position attribute is optional. If omited, the position defaults to the Origin location at {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}.
- The position attribute holds a set of three floating point numbers separated by commas that are associated with the distance away from the Origin Point on the X, Y, and Z axis.
- orientation
- Usage: <sphere orientation="1.0, 1.0, 1.0" />.
- The orientation attribute defines the direction in which the cube is facing. The direction is defined by a vector value.
- The orientation value only accepts three numbers that are separated by commas.
- size
- Usage: <sphere size="0.4" />.
- The size attribute defines the size of the Sphere on the screen.
- texture
- Usage: <sphere texture="mytexture" />
- The texture attribute contains the name identifier of a texture that is defined inside the canvas tag.
- If the texture does not exist or is not defined, a default color of white is applied to the cube.
- The attribute must be Alpha-numeric and must point to a defined texture tag.
<canvas> <sphere name="mysphere" position="0.0, 0.3, 0.5" orientation="0.2, 0.6, 1.3" size="1.9" texture="mytexture" /> </canvas>
- None.