C3DL Collision Detection
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Canvas 3D - Collision Detection
The ability to detect any object(s) colliding with object(s).
Blog: http://www.c3dl.org/index.php/development-news/
Project Demo Pages: http://matrix.senecac.on.ca/~pplam3/
Project Contributor(s)
- Catherine Leung
- Andor Salga
Student Demo
- Jan 27th (Week 3) - 10:00am
- Feb 26th (Week 7) - 10:00am
- Mar 31st (Week 11) - 10:00am
0.4 - Week of Jan 19
- Created flag for models to have collision detection
- Created set/get functions for flag
- Created function for bounding sphere for models
- Returns array of 2: Sphere Position (array of 3), Sphere Radius (float)
- Enable callback to check for collision detection when updating scene
0.5 - Week of Feb 2
- Performed initial test for collision
- Check flags
- Check for bounding sphere collision with out models with flags on
- Collision - distance of two bounding sphere's position is less than the sum of the radius of both sphere
- Perform 2nd test for collision
- Test for triangle-triangle intersection test between objects
0.6 - Week of Feb 16
- Create a function which returns the object’s next position: getNextPosition(timeSpan)
- Create a function which returns the bounding volume of the object
- think of it as a stretched bounding sphere which encloses the objects current position and it’s future position
- Break down the updates into smaller test, so it doesn’t skip any collisions in between the updates
- Extract the collision detection test out from the scene class, and write it as a class of its own
0.7 - Week of Mar 9
- Improve Efficiency
0.8 - Week of Mar 23
- Improved Efficiency
- Added optional flag to turn on triangle-triangle testing
- Default with only bounding-sphere test, triangle-triangle test off
- Added function for
- Setting how many sections/areas/quadrants to break the 3D space into (in multiples of 4)
- Get the objects in a specific section/area/quadrant
0.9 - Week of Apr 6
- Sectioning
- Stepping
1.0 - Week of Apr 20
- Demo with Collision Detection
Project Updates
April 2009
Apr 24, 2009
- Finished 2 more demo
Apr 23, 2009
Apr 12, 2009
- Implemented "stepping"
- Functions with changes in CollisionDetection.js:
- objInSection
- boundingSphereTest
- tri_tri_test
- Functions with changes in CollisionDetection.js:
Apr 10, 2009
- Created poster
- [Collision Detection Poster (ppt)]
- [Collision Detection Poster (odp)]
Apr 5, 2009
- Added sectioning
- 1 section by default
- sections are in increments of 4
- more details here: http://www.c3dl.org/index.php/c3dl-dev/collision-detection-sectioning/
March 2009
Mar 29, 2009
- Added function for
- Setting how many sections/areas/quadrants to break the 3D space into (in multiples of 4)
- Get the objects in a specific section/area/quadrant
Mar 26, 2009
- Added a switch for turning on/off triangle test
- By default, only using bounding sphere test, the triangle test is off
Mar 25, 2009
- Further narrowed down the number of triangles tested for collision
- Only triangles from Object A with vertices inside the bounding sphere of Object B and vice versa
Mar 11, 2009
- Improved efficiency
- Only perform triangle checks with triangles on the front side (cuts the number of triangle test by about half)
Mar 6, 2009
- Made demo explaining need for 'stepping'
Mar 4, 2009
- Changed return type of CollisionDetection
- returns an array of 2 objects
- each item in the array holds 1) the object tested for collision 2) the list of index to the objects it collides with
February 2009
Feb 24, 2009
- Changed the getBoundingVolumn()
- returns same data type as getBoundingSphere()
- [center, radius]
Feb 20, 2009
- Create a function which returns the bounding volume of the object
- think of it as a stretched bounding sphere which encloses the objects current position and it’s future position
- Break down the updates into smaller test, so it doesn’t skip any collisions in between the updates
Feb 18, 2009
- Extracted collision detection code from scene object
- Created a new class for collision detection
- Successful in adding collision detection into scene update callback on user side
- Users can easily add collision detection functionality whenever they want and get the result back from it as scene is updated
Feb 13, 2009
- Created a 2nd demo page which includes triangle-triangle test
- Explain the difference between having it and not having it
Feb 12, 2009
- C3DL meeting
- extract the code for collision detection out of scene class and create a class of it's own
- Working on breaking down the updates into smaller steps
- There was a major lag in performance, need to further investigate on what's the main cause of slow down
Feb 8, 2009
- created getNextPosition(timeStep) function
- returns the position of the object after timeStep - ie. get the object's future position
Feb 4, 2009
- Dropped Tomas Moller's algorithm
- Reapplied the idea of using line-triangle intersection test from picking
- Made two important change to get it working
- performed a check on the variable t to make sure it's between 0-1 (the length of the edges of triangle A)
- set the accuracy to 0.02 instead of 0.8
- Made two important change to get it working
Feb 3, 2009
- Implemented Tomas Moller's Triangle-Triangle Intersection Test algorithm
- Did not work, might have bugs in the implementation
- Causes extreme slowdown when objects with more faces exist (ie. sphere)
Feb 1, 2009
- Triangle-Triangle test failed using Ray-Triangle test
- Reading/Looking for other ways of doing Triangle-Triangle test
January 2009
Jan 31, 2009
- Reused code from picking function for triangle-triangle intersection test
- Using the 3 edges of Triangle A as lines and perform Line-Triangle intersection test
Jan 28, 2009
- Uploaded test page
- Created basic test/demo page
Jan 25, 2009
- Started on Triangle-Triangle Test function
Jan 17, 2009
- Perform initial test for bounding sphere collision
Jan 16, 2009
- Created bounding sphere for models
Jan 15, 2009
- Enable callback to collision detection function
- Created flags for collision detections
- Set/Get functions
Jan 13, 2009
- Created wiki page