BTP300 To-Do List Fall 2012
[hide]Week 1
- Workshop 0 (Reading & Practice) - VERY IMPORTANT!
- Be ready for doing Pair Programming in the computer lab.
Week 2
- Begin work on Assignment 1 - Line Editing Facility
- Workshop 1 - Macros (due 11:59 pm, within one week after the Lab Time)
Week 3
- Work on A1 as a team of 2 people and put Pair Programming into practice. The due date is approaching...
- Update Weekly BUG REPORTS.
- Do Workshop 2.
- Do READING on the BTP300 course website.
"**THEME OF THIS WEEK**" "SENECA IS COOL AND THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS!" (posted by the newly famous Jodie Carleton)
Week 4
- Do READING on the BTP300 course website.
- Do Workshop 4 first this week, then Workshop 3 for next week(or vice versa).
- Update Weekly BUG REPORTS.
Week 5
- Form teams of 4 or 3 (or leave it as it is) and post up you team members on the wiki.
- Start working on A2 Release 0.1 (CFrame).
- Read the Practical Tips for A2 Release 0.1.
- Run the executable code for A2 Release 0.1 (CFrame).
- Inspect the source code of testFrame() in a2test.cpp.
- Learn how to use the SVN tool.
- Read the Practical Tips for A2 Release 0.1.
Week 6
- Continue working on Assignment 2.
- Update Weekly BUG REPORTS.
- Prepare for Test 1.
- Past Quizzes, Tests, Exams
- Practice_Test1_F2012.txt on matrix
Week 7
- Submit Assignment 2 Release 0.1.
- Be ready for Test 1.
- You may use one reference sheet (2-sided) and the mini-textbook written by Chris Szalwinski for the quiz.
Study Week
Week 8
- Continue working on Assignment 2.
- Update Weekly BUG REPORTS.
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
- Assignment 2 (Release 0.2) due.