BTH740 Research Essay 20113
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[hide]How To Write a Research Essay
Five Stages of Research
- Survey and Critique
- Thesis Statement
- Research
- Writing
- Presentation
Survey and Critique
This is the abductive stage of forming a hypothesis.
There is no single logical procedure to implement here. We identify points of interest and guess at what might be the case for the observations that we are making.
- Open-ended searches by the team members
- Selections of interest to the team members
- Identifying emotional reactions
- Discussion amongst team members to identify conditions that might be sufficient and economical in explaining an observation or a set of similar observations
Thesis Statement
Requirements For the Final Essay
set by the instructor - what you need to know before starting to prepare the thesis statement
- number of sources
- primary >= 2
- secondary >= 4
- tertiary - summarize
- length 1600-2400 words
- late penalties 20%
- timeline:
- thesis statement - due November 1
- preliminary research - due November 15
- recording details - due November 22
- writing - due December 1
- publication - due December 8
Narrowing the Focus
select the topic
- sources
- encyclopedias
- textbooks
- dictionaries
- videos
- process
- jot down ideas
- discuss ideas
- circle one that are of interest
- select one from a short-list
- select another as the alternative
Searching for Sources
create working bibliography
- questions to answer
- are there sufficient sources
- is each one relevant to the focus
- are the sources diverse
- are the sources quality sources
- are there twice as many sources as required
- process
- read
- abstracts
- conclusions
- reviews
- balance
- books
- articles
- electronic
- audio-visual
- old
- new
- list publication details accurately
- read
Defining the Purpose
- single sentence plus keywords
- discuss the thesis
- discuss with two peers
- refine the focus
- define the scope
- pose the research question
- sufficient sources
- narrow enough topic
- avoid
- bibliographical
- narrative
- descriptive
- unfounded assumptions
- how successful not why successful
- formulate one precise sentence
- task is to answer the question <- sole purpose
- make short list of sub-tasks
- identify keywords
- thesis statement
- keywords
- bibliography
Preparatory Readings
purpose: rephrase the thesis statement
- develop a fuller understanding of the topic
- read some of the shorter sources
- keep the research question in mind
- rephrase your thesis
Record Research Data
purpose: create the research note record
- maintain a well-balanced variety of source materials
- question what you read and record continuously
- read the prioritized sources carefully and in detail
- analyze and select ideas and data related to your thesis
- record all relevant information as research notes
- for
- against
- review other sources for context, support and opposition
- process
- types of notes
- direct quotations
- personal insights
- paraphrases
- summarizations
- method of documentation
- note
- page number
- source number
- major questions to keep in mind
- does the note pertain to the thesis question
- should I reconsider the focus
- should I broaden the focus
- should I narrow the focus further
- types of notes
Assemble and Prioritize
purpose: create a flowing argument
- assemble the notes into major groups
- arrange the notes within each group in order
- distinguish deductive, inductive, and abductive conclusions
- edited thesis statement
- prioritized note record
- outline of the argument
purpose: organize the flow
- structure
- introduction
- body
- arguments
- conclusion
- process
- retain results that pertain to the thesis
- create a skeleton
- use point form
Rough Draft
purpose: compose the argument in ascending order of importance/interest
- preface
- title
- abstract
- keywords
- introduction
- context
- purpose
- interpretations
- thesis statement
- body
- each point is one paragraph
- conclusion
- sum up supporting points
- no new information
- one to three paragraphs
- references
- works cited
purpose: create final draft
- check instructor's requirements
- format
- layout
- 1st person or third person
- style
- MLA (see Purdue OWL)
- Margins 1" all around excluding page numbers
- Times New Roman 12 point
- no justification, no hyphenation, double space, two spaces after a period
- no title page for a research paper
- sentence case your title no bold no period
- page numbering in upper right hand corner preceded by your last name
- secure your pages with a paper clip no plastic folders
- citations (Author pageNumber)
- works cited LastName, FirstName. Title. City:Publisher, Year.
- sites cited LastName, FirstName. Title. City:Publisher, Year. <>. Date of Access.
- interviews LastName, FirstName. Type of Interview. Date.
- list works cited in alphabetical order at the end of the paper starting on a new page
- APA (see Purdue OWL)
- citations (Author, Year, p.PageNumber)
- works cited LastName, FirstName. (Year). Title. City:Publisher.
- Chicago
- MLA (see Purdue OWL)
- expression
- argument flow
- paragraphing
- circle the topic sentence in each
- clarify your points
- read out loud - use your auditory system - fix the jumps
- source: Parberry, Ian (2000) How to Present a Paper in Theoretical Computer Science: A Speaker's Guide for Students, Dept. Comp. Sc., Univ North Texas. Denton, Texas.
What to Say How to Say it
- communicate key ideas
- emphasize key ideas
- skip standard, obvious, or complicated
- don't get bogged down in details
- you have been thinking deeply for months
- audience has not - is the paper worth reading?
- details are out of place - leave them in the paper
- structure your talk
- break into distinct parts
- use a top-down approach
- introduction
- informal description - impressions are important
- define the problem
- motivate the audience
- explain why it is so important
- introduce terminology
- discuss earlier work
- emphasize contributions of your paper
- this may be the only points audience will remember
- provide a road-map to the talk
- body
- abstract the major results or contributions
- explain the significance of the results
- sketch a proof of the crucial results
- gloss over the technical details
- technicalities
- present a key result
- give the flavour of the rest of the technical details in a short period of time
- present it carefully
- fill in small gaps
- mention points that may not be in the paper itself
- present a key result
- conclusion
- hindsight is clear than foresight
- make observation that would have been confusing earlier
- regain the attention of non-experts in the audience
- state open problems
- identify problems that arise from your paper
- mention weaknesses of your paper
- indicate that your talk is over
- hindsight is clear than foresight
- introduction
Delivery - Getting through to your Audience
- use repetition
- "tell them what you're going to tell them. Tell them. Tell them what you told them
- remind, don't assume
- if your paper assumes a standard result, state it as a reminder
- don't over-run
- conference presentations last 15 to 30 minutes with 5 minutes for questions
- if short on time, cut the technicalities section
- maintain eye contact
- spread your attention, don't concentrate on one person
- control your voice
- avoid fashion, hype, information-free utterances
- control your motion
- avoid hyperactivity
- use natural gestures
- take care of your appearance
- avoid ostentatiousness
- minimize language difficulties
- try not to get anxious
- prepare adequately beforehand
- do not pay undue attention to the reaction of the most important person in the audience - their reactions may be the result of something that is totally unrelated to your presentation
- to calm panic, pause, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths
- it is the quality of your research that matters
Visual and Aural Aids
- make legible slides
- don't put too much on a slide - remember short-term memory
- don't use too many slide- reserve 2 minutes per slide
- use colour effectively - avoid rainbows - yellow is almost invisible
- pictures and tables
- pictures are worth a thousand words
Question Time
- expect three types of questions
- genuine request for knowledge
- selfish - draws attention to the questioner - indirectly compliment them
- malicious - expect to have your ego bruised - be prepared, be polite, and avoid lengthy exchanges - offer a one-to-one discussion afterwards
- General
- Writing Labs
- Stylesheets
- Classification